
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Monsanto: A historic village wedged by rocks in Portugal

Monsanto: A historic village wedged by rocks in Portugal

Monsanto: A historic village wedged by rocks in Portugal

Monsanto is a granite village and is one of the 12 most historic villages in Portugal, an ancient settlement located southeast of the city of Sera and Strala, right on the side of the mountains and located 400 meters below the ruins of the Templar castle which is estimated to have been inhabited from 1 million to 600,000 years BC This village has been occupied by several nations such as Romans, physios, to Arabs.

In 1165, Portugal's first king, Alfonso 1, gave ownership of Monsanto to the Templar knight order, and then the Santiago order, finally a fortress called Moon Polite Castle was built on the top of the mountain and used to protect the population during the invasion of Naples in the Middle Ages.

In addition to the interesting historical side, the houses in this village also have their own charm, the houses in Montsanto are built on the slopes of the hills by utilizing granite, the number of stones that are extraordinarily large in size even looks to squeeze the surrounding houses in the crevices of the rocks, these houses are deliberately built between the rocks so that granite becomes the main wall of their homes, there are even some of the residents' houses whose roof is a whole granite stone.

Monsanto: A historic village wedged by rocks in Portugal

Because of its location in the hills, the buildings in Montato are mostly in the form of large stones equipped with doors that lead to narrow streets, not only houses, streets used by local people, but also built using rocks for centuries, the shape of Monsanto Village has not changed at all because for centuries the community has always maintained the authenticity of the building, so that this village looks like a living museum even though it looks like it is squeezed or hit by giant stones, people's houses look so magnificent and exotic like a fairytale.

There are ancient style buildings in Montsantu that still stand today where these buildings are very safe for residents to live in for generations Today Monsanto Village was inhabited by about a thousand residents in 1938 This village was chosen as the village with the most Portuguese impression in Portugal from a national contest The acceptance of this title has an impact on society Where they are limited in building a building in order to maintain a very beautiful view Amazing.

Monday, November 6, 2023

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

Maldives or also known as Maldives is an island country known for its stunning natural beauty, especially white sandy beaches and blue seas that look like glass.

The beaches in the Maldives mostly have white sand originating from the Coral Beach Coral Beach including rare beaches in the world that are only owned by five percent of beaches around the world, the country is also known for its exotic islands and various underwater beauties Therefore, this island country is often recommended as one of the honeymoon tourist destinations visited by around 900 thousand tourists every year, the Maldives has successfully won a lot of foreign exchange through tourism.

Even the success of the Maldives in managing the tourism sector makes the country's per capita income able to beat Indonesia, there are about 1190 islands in the Maldives But there are only 200 inhabited islands and 80 islands inhabited by resorts for tourists every year, there are always new resorts opening in the Maldives along with the increasing popularity of the country as a tourist destination.

But despite having a million stunning natural beauties, the Maldives is the lowest and flattest country in the world with a maximum height of 2.4 meters above sea level Therefore, this country has a serious problem with global warming and climate change because climate change is moving faster to cause rising sea water, the country is predicted to sink, therefore various conservation efforts have been made to protect the environment The sea is a valuable asset for this country.

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

The Maldives has a fairly long history from the 6th century to the 5th century BC The Maldives already has its kingdom according to historical evidence and legends this country has a history of more than 2500 years of early settlement in the island nation It is likely a Gujarati people who reached and settled could be in rare around 500 years BC.

Evidence of cultural influence from North India on this country can be seen from shipbuilding methods and silver coins The Maldives was once occupied by the British and Portuguese but then this country was controlled by a Muslim leader named Muhammad Takaruan he then led the Maldives since 1573 initially the Maldives was a Sultanate state under British guardianship until finally they became independent on July 26, 1965 then the Maldives turned into a Republic until now with The total area is 297 km2 and the total population in 2020 reached 550 people, all of whom adhere to Islam.

Not surprisingly, this country is dubbed as the smallest Islamic country in the world, not only the smallest Muslim country in the world, even the Maldives is also the smallest country in Asia, Islam is the official religion in the Maldives where every citizen is legally required to follow Islam, even in 2008 the law stipulates that non-Muslims cannot be citizens as countries that practice Islam, traveling to this country are required to obey all Rules that have been set by the government, such as the prohibition of entering or carrying alcohol or pork-based items.

The Maldivian government also prohibits the wearing of bikinis in public beach areas for women, the swimming costumes allowed in the country are shorts and T-shirts, while this can only be used when on privately owned beaches, special beaches and hotels, However, because the country's economy is very dependent on tourism, the government separates public beaches from special tourist beaches.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Peru is a country that became the birthplace of the Inca kingdom That is why Peru became a country that inherited many archaeological relics of the Incas who were known to have excellence in the field of art and building, the progress of art and buildings of the Incas can be seen through relics in the form of magnificent palaces made of stone with very beautiful carvings, they are also known to be very expert in making fortifications, Highways to urban planning, the Incas built some their great city on the plateau as well as the steep sides of the Andes mountains.

Their houses were made of thatched-roof stone and although built without the use of adhesives, their construction was very sturdy and recognized as the best in the world, one of the most famous relics of Inca civilization is Machu Picu, a small town built around 1450 but abandoned 100 years later when the Spanish conquered the Incan kingdom, known as the City above the clouds because of its location in the mountains at an altitude of about 2350 meters above sea level this building is above the valley of guru Bamba and was a very modern city of its time.

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Moreover, in the development of science and technology, the city is divided into three parts which include religious zones, agricultural zones, and urban zones, Machu Bijuu building structures are designed to withstand earthquakes and use building materials in the form of granite with this kind of design, if the stones move because of the earthquake, then they will return to their original place, the Incas use Machu trigger as a city to carry out secret ceremonies that are sacred in addition to as a place for astronomical observatories.

Living by farming, the Incas had developed a very advanced irrigation and agricultural system in their day, they built canals to irrigate the land and turn mountain slopes into tiers or terracing so that they could be used as land for cultivation. In addition, they made salt ponds with a total of thousands of ponds, all of which can still be used today, thousands of square-shaped ponds neatly arranged on the hillside It was built during the Cana Patah civilization between 200 and 900 AD and is listed as the 10th largest salt mine in the world.

The technique of making this salt pond is to utilize salt water that emerges from the Kori fujio spring close to the head of the valley to then be directed to a very complicated network of small channels so that the water can flow down in terraced ponds, almost all ponds have an area of less than 4 square meters with a depth not exceeding 30 cm, the flowing water is controlled very carefully and monitored by the pool height workers which decreases slowly making water can flow down when water evaporates due to very dry Andean air, water experiences supersaturation and salt deposition which creates various crystals on the surface of the walls and floors of the pool and besides being still used by local people to this day the salt mine relics of the Incas is an attraction for tourists to visit.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Kumzar: The Most Isolated Village in Oman's Deep North | Flanked by mountains and facing the open sea

Kumzar: The Most Isolated Village in Oman's Deep North | Flanked by mountains and facing the open sea

Kumzar: The Most Isolated Village in Oman's Deep North | Flanked by mountains and facing the open sea

Separated by a rocky desert 100 km from the main territory of Oman, a small village called kum Zar became such an isolated area that the people who lived and inhabited this village developed their own language and culture.

Kumzar Village located in the musandam of the northernmost province of the Sultanate of Oman is hidden in a narrow gap in the mountains and is located on the coastline with a position facing directly to the open sea The geographical character of Kumser Village is characterized by large rock formations that make vegetation almost unable to grow in this area uniquely even though it is located in a very remote location and can only be accessed by speed boat for one hour or for two and a half hours using a sailboat from Nearby Cities.

Kumzar village has about 3000 residents who are almost most of them have kinship ties, the average family living in this village has between 5 to 6 children which causes the birth rate in komser village to grow rapidly with a population of about 300 people per year For 500 years Kuser villagers have inhabited this area where most of the population lives in a semilumaden way in their autumn, winter and spring fishing and living in the village of Kumzar.

The kumzar people make a living by fishing which lives in the Gulf for 9 months of the year, but when summer arrives, when the temperature in the Gulf rises to reach 50 degrees Celsius, most of them leave the village of Kumzar to settle in a nearby port town, a place where they can harvest dates and have a second home in daily communication The kumzar people use the kumsari language which is a mixture of ancient Persian and Arabic conditions; The unique geography located between the thin mountain walls on three sides and the ocean on the other has shaped not only the language but also the way those people interpret the world around them.

The houses in this village are built very close together, the only gap between the crowded houses is the drainage canal, the houses are made of stone and have small courtyards and flat stone roofs, the whole village is surrounded by high mountains on all sides, except for the open part facing the sea which gives access to water and is where most daily activities at night There is not much to do in Komzar Village Because in this village there are only two restaurants, three shops and two mosques, but although very remote Geographically, kumser village can be said to be very Independent, they have schools, hospitals, and even desalination plants.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Awesome Grass Houses in Iceland | A place to survive Europe's harsh environment

Awesome Grass Houses in Iceland | A place to survive Europe's harsh environment

Awesome Grass Houses in Iceland | A place to survive Europe's harsh environment

Iceland is a Nordic country located in northwestern Europe and north of the Atlantic Ocean consisting of the island of Iceland and several small islands around it, this country is almost always in the top 5 in the list of happiest countries in the world, lined up with Denmark, Finland, and Norway.

As a country with the title of Happiest Iceland has also been named the safest country in the world which In fact, it has held the title 12 times, Iceland is located about 300 KM east of Greenland and 1000 km from Norway, this country is the 18th largest island in the world and as the second largest island in Europe after the United Kingdom with a population of 332,000 inhabitants Iceland is the country with the most sparsely populated in Europe.

Most Icelanders are Scandinavians, they use Icelandic with spelling and grammar that has remained almost unchanged for 1000 years, therefore Icelanders can read the ancient Saga which tells the story of the adventures of the Vikings without difficulty, which means Iceland is known to have many sliding hot springs that gush periodically releasing hot water and water vapor into the air.

In addition, this country is also one of the most barren countries in Europe, most of these plains are covered in active lava, steep cliffs and filled with large rocks scattered with layers of rock, making this country also has no fertile land, only one-fifth of this country which is mostly in the northwest region that can be planted with plants to this day, as a result of which wood is a rare community in this country with limited wood conditions, plus rocks basal that is difficult to cut.

Icelanders had difficulty obtaining building materials to build houses, but uniquely, in the midst of those difficult conditions, Icelandic settlers were able to adapt, they made buildings that became known as grass houses that were used as shelters since the time of the first nordic settlers, these cleverly designed houses helped humans survive in the most inhospitable environment in Europe, and interestingly the houses seemed very integrated with the Surrounding environment.

This residence was built with a wooden and stone frame foundation as a base, while the roof was covered with clumps and soil that was thick enough when the frame of the house was completed, then the soil and grass were compacted and stacked as much as possible on the wooden frame, at first the appearance of this grass house would be like a pile of soil because when it was just made there was only a little grass growing in the building, but after a few weeks the grass began to grow densely and Covering almost all parts of the house, only the small part of the door that is not covered by grass.

While the roofs and walls of houses are sometimes overgrown with very beautiful grass flowers, until the beginning of the 20th century, these grass houses became a very common sight in Iceland, but unfortunately urbanization projects have affected Iceland's demographics, the relocation of residents from the countryside and the shift to new building materials made many grass houses that are generally located in the countryside damaged by themselves due to neglect so that over time the building of grass houses became a sight which is increasingly rare in Iceland.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Each Citizen Has a Fortune of 1.9 Billion, This is the Richest Village in China and Even in the World - Huaxi Vilage

Huaxi Vilage

Each Citizen Has a Fortune of 1.9 Billion, This is the Richest Village in China and Even in the World - Huaxi Vilage

Huaxi Village is a village inhabited by about 2000 people, where each of the families who inhabit this village has a wealth of 150,000 or about 1.9 billion people who live in this village get privileges in the form of luxury mobile homes, health facilities and education for free, in this village luxury buildings with uniform shapes and appearances are neatly lined up.

In addition, Huaxi Village also has very luxurious public transportation, this village makes helicopters as a means of public transportation for its citizens, the government hires helicopter operators from airline companies for travel facilities for residents so that the journey from one city to another only takes less than 10 minutes, goasi is also referred to as World Park because it has many replicas of world icons such as the Statue of Liberty, the Great Wall of China, and so on to show his wealth.

In 2011, Huaxi Village spent 3 billion Yuan or about 5.8 trillion to build a skyscraper, the building has a height of 328 meters with 72 floors, inside the 15th tallest building in China there is a 5-star hotel consisting of 826 luxurious rooms on the 60th floor of the hotel there is a statue of a bull made of pure gold Huasy is located in the East China region precisely in Jiang Yin City, Jiangsu Province, which is claimed as the richest Village in China and even in the whole world.

The gate to Huaxi Village is even marked with an inscription that reads Number one village under the sky whereas in the 1950s this village was only inhabited by about 600 residents and was known as a very poor village Waasi village was first developed in the 1960s by uren smell, a former Communist Party committee secretary in a quasi-village under Wu rule This village can change 180 degrees in the 1990s This village owns multisector industrial companies listed on the stock exchange.

The villagers are shareholders and are paid one-fifth of the company's annual profits, in addition to the 2000 villagers in Huaxi Village, there are about 20,000 more migrant workers and 28,000 nearby villagers, although it is known as a modern Utopia Village with a variety of magnificent facilities at its disposal, Huaxit Village has not escaped controversy after more than 5 decades since uren bau founded this Village.

Huaxi is still considered mysterious and controversial This is because from the outside Huaxi Village appears to be a socialist Village, but inside this Village is a capitalist enterprise controlled by Warren Bau and his sons where they have full control over the wealth invested by the community and in fact even though these villagers are rich people, they cannot bring their wealth out of the village That is why critics doubt if the assets really belong Villagers.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Cappadocia: Traces of Underground City Civilization and Byzantine-Era Christians

Cappadocia: Traces of Underground City Civilization and Byzantine-Era Christians

Cappadocia: Traces of Underground City Civilization and Byzantine-Era Christians

Cappadocia is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Turkey which is famous for its unique landscape that looks like the surface of the moon located in the central anatolia of Nafsehir province which stretches 5000 KM and is at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above sea level.

Most of the area consists of canyon valleys as well as unique rock formations formed by rain and wind that eroded the surface over thousands of years due to volcanic eruptions The thick ash that solidified in the region formed soft rocks and created a unique-looking view of fairy chimneys But more than just a breathtaking sight, Ruqyah said, it also contains stone houses and about 60 rock-hewn churches made since medieval times.

Uniquely, there are also underground cities in the city, some of which are connected by tunnels and even open to tourists, the underground city site was opened to tourists in 1969, historians say the inhabitants of the capadukia have lived in houses made by carving the hill directly since prehistoric times, strange houses are diapadukia and underground settlements were deliberately chosen by residents to protect themselves from Beast attack thousands of years ago.

Cappadocia: Traces of Underground City Civilization and Byzantine-Era Christians

The locals sculpted rocks resulting from volcanic activity, they carved rocks to make way for habitation, so they could stay warm in winter and stay cool in summer in early Christian times, these underground cities were used as hiding places by Christians who were then hunted by Byzantine or Byzantine troops.

One of the underground cities called derin Kuyu city is located 60 meters underground which can accommodate up to 20,000 people along with the food needed by the people Usually stay for several months in this city until the war situation is safer Nyi Lara Valley which has a length of about 16 Km It was first settled by Byzantine monks in the 7th century.

This valley is a witness to the story of Christian history which can be proven by the existence of about 60 ancient churches built in caves and scattered along the valley, currently Goremi Village is the only Dikapadukia settlement that is still inhabited by local residents which is also the main area for tourists besides being known for its beautiful scenery and a variety of amazing historical relics, said Ruqyah is also famous for hot air balloon tours for visitors can air up to a height of 40 meters across the horizon to your majesty while enjoying exotic natural scenery, the best wine in the world, there are even some wines produced by your majesty have won international awards and the beauty and uniqueness of the ruqyah ship managed to make it included as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1985.