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Showing posts with label travelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travelling. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2023

Alhambra The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking


 Alhambra: The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking

Alhambra: The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking

Is a complex of palaces and fortresses which are also traces of Islamic civilization in Europe The complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain is a halal tourism that is included in the world with an area of about 14 hectares 

The Alhambra Palace stands on a lasabika hill with a view of the vast city of Granada below and because of its strategic location for the supervision of the Romans who at that time controlled this region decided to build a small fortress in 899 AD 

Two centuries later the Romans were defeated by the Mur people from North Africa where then the founder of the nasrib dynasty Sultan Muhammad seized this small fortress and turned it into a large fortress in 1230 before finally being converted into a magnificent palace by the Sultan of Granada named Sultan Yusuf 1 in 133 starting from a fortress without the name of sultan Yusuf 1 then changed its name to Al Hamra which comes from Arabic alhamdulillah which means red this name It was chosen because the main material in the construction of this palace was red soil 

The building of the Alhambra palace is designed in such a way that it is resistant to earthquakes, the palace is also equipped with lush gardens and fountains with a fairly complicated irrigation system that keeps the rooms cool in summer, broadly speaking, the Alhambra palace is divided into three parts, where all three were built during different reigns, the first part or the oldest is known as Max beacon Although some historical records doubt the origin of the building .ini 

Based on the records of Ibn Zamroh, a famous poet during the reign of Bani Ahmar, the building was made by Sultan Muhammad 1 or also known as Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Nasser, this palace was chosen as his main residence as well as his workspace, the second part is called the Komares Palace which is the most important part of the entire site in the AL hambra Complex 

In this palace hall, the Sultan's throne is located, most of the construction of this palace was carried out during the reign of Sultan Yusuf 1 and then continued to perfection by his son named Sultan Muhammad 5, then the third part of the Alhambra palace is the lion palace which is the crown of all the beauty found in the Alhambra

This palace was built by Sultan Muhammad 5 as his resting house, located right next to the Komares palace during the Islamic rule there was no road connecting these two buildings, but when Catholicism came to power a road was made that connected the two as well as other kingdoms in the world 

The Sultanate of Granada experienced ups and downs after this Sultanate triumphed for approximately 800 years, they experienced a heartbreaking fall at the end of the 14th century, internal conflicts of the nobles about the successor to the throne coupled with the attacks of the Castilian kingdom that occurred from 1482 to 1492 made the power of the Sultanate of Granada weaker until finally conquered by the kingdom of Castile led by Isabella 1 and Ferdinand 2

This defeat also marked the end of the rule of the Islamic Kingdom in Andalusia which automatically also made the Alhambra palace change ownership as soon as Granada was ruled by Isabella 1 and Ferdinand 2 Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism they were forced to either submit or be expelled from the region today after hundreds of years have passed since the conquest of Isabella 1 and Ferdinand 2 the Alhambra palace was no longer occupied and in 1984 Alhambra Palace officially included in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Yanjin: The World's Narrowest Amazing City

Yanjin: The World's Narrowest Amazing City

Yanjin: The World's Narrowest Amazing City

Yanjin is a city in China that presents beautiful and stunning scenery, but at the same time this city is also known as the narrowest metropolis in the world, which seems to contradict the fact that China is the third largest country in the world, this narrow city was built along the banks of the Nansi River among steep mountains located in the northeastern part of Yunan Province. 

The stretch of land sandwiched between river waters and rugged mountains on both sides seems unsuitable for a city of about 450,000 residents, but that is exactly what makes Yanjin City look special, those who have been to this city say that Yanjin City is even more suitable for appearing in fantasy movies than being a modern city in the real world.

Yanjin: The World's Narrowest Amazing City

Like most Chinese settlements: The majority of yanjin city dwellers live in an apartment building Nevertheless, because land is a very valuable commodity in the city, many apartment buildings located right on the banks of the river are built using pillars like stilts to shelter from flooding if. The river level is rising, the settlement is only 30 meters wide at its narrowest point and more than 300 meters wide at its widest point on both sides of the river; There is a main highway that stretches for several km but unfortunately with the condition of the land separated by the river there is only one bridge to connect one side of the river with the other side.

Drone footage of Yanjin City going viral on various social media over the years has made many people wonder about the reasons for people who are willing to live in this cramped city and at risk of flooding, but in fact the Yanjin area has been inhabited for hundreds of years where many locals did not think about moving away from dogs and living in other cities, unfortunately although it looks amazing it is reported that the infrastructure of Yanjin City has hindered The economic development of the area is due to the surrounding mountains on all sides and there is only one main road to pass through the city so that the city is considered inaccessible to many people.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Known as the home of thousands of widows, here are the facts about Vrindavan

Known as the home of thousands of widows, here are the facts about Vrindavan

Known as the home of thousands of widows, here are the facts about Vrindavan

Vrindavan is the name of a city located in the Madura district of the northern state of North India prades on the west bank of the yamuna river or about 50 km south of the city of Delhi, this city is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna who in Hindu tradition is considered as an incarnation of darkness of Lord Vishnu as well as the embodiment of love in this city.

Lord Krishna went through childhood until he grew into a teenager and Experiencing various spiritual events once this city was filled with dense forests but over time the forest area began to thin due to urbanization and development projects as the city became the birthplace of a figure who was sanctified in Hinduism Vrindavan became one of the sanctified cities even today Vrindavan is not only used as a place for worship processes but also as a place of learning for self-purification.

Therefore, Most of the people who come to this city are those who want to leave a life attached to worldly affairs, besides being known as a holy place, a place where people perform worship and learn about self-purification, Vrindavan is also known as the City of widows This is because of the large number of widows who moved to the city of Vrindavan and the surrounding area after they lost their husbands, it is estimated that there are around 15,000 to 20,000 widows inhabiting this area.

Known as the home of thousands of widows, here are the facts about Vrindavan

No one can explain the reasons that encourage widows all over India, especially from Bengal, to come to Vrindavan, but in general, widows who come to Vrindavan are pilgrims who intend to spend the rest of their lives. However, many of them also come to Vrindavan because they run away from home, even some of them are deliberately abandoned by their sons or daughters-in-law because they are no longer wanted.

Over the years, Vrindavan has become a magnet for these women, the city is filled with gloomy guest houses, shelters and cramped places, Where poor and abandoned widows come to try to make a living until they meet their deaths, despite their advanced age, many of them cook food, clean their own clothes and utensils, but luckily in the last 3 years several charities started operating in the city The Great Tomb of India ordered the government and civil bodies to improve the lives of such widows in Vrindavan and it is known that India has about 40 million widows who make up about 10% of the country's female population.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Koh Panyee: A floating village in Thailand inhabited by Muslims from Java

Koh Panyee: A floating village in Thailand inhabited by Muslims from Java

Koh Panyee: A floating village in Thailand inhabited by Muslims from Java

Around the Andaman Sea, precisely off the coast of Southern Thailand, stands a floating village called kopani with the majority of the population being Muslim. This village is hidden in a bay in southern Thailand which is protected by a very large limestone formation with a height of about 20 meters and accommodates more than 400 families with a total population of 1680 people who are descendants of three Muslim families of sea explorers from Java This floating village was founded in about 200 last year by 3 fishing families of Javanese descent.

At first the three men were looking for a good location to catch fish, they sailed down the Malaysian coastline towards the Andaman Sea until they finally reached Thai waters and found an island located in Panga province. When they found the desired place, they told other fishermen by raising the flag on top of the hilltop, so that others could join them in looking for fish, they found shelter near the rock; The big chalk then raised the flag on it.

Slowly many people started to join the three fishermen and started building the village until then the village now houses 400 families living on the water they have cleverly circumvented Thai law where Thai law states that foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand but when later more and more tourists came to Thailand and made the village a favorite tourist attraction in the end residents The immigrants from Java obtained land ownership rights.

Thanks to three fishing families who discovered this place and decided to settle there, a village was formed complete with almost all the facilities owned by other villages The first thing built by the residents of Kopani at that time was a freshwater well as a mosque and today Copani village also has one school where children have classes and become part of their daily lives.

The village also has a hospital, cemetery, market, shop, small museum, restaurant and of course fish farm, even today copani village also has a simple hotel, the central part of kopani village consists of concrete that connects dozens of small souvenir shops and forms a narrow labyrinth that leads to people's houses, a network of Footpaths and small shops, all selling batik t-shirts and items made from shells.

And one of the most interesting parts of this floating village is the existence of 3 floating football fields, the floating soccer field was built after the World Cup in 1986 made of wood, trying collectively to create recreation and game spaces so as to create a football field that defies geographical challenges in the location in the past, most of the residents of this village lived by fishing and being fish, but nowadays tourism has also been unfortunately only the older generation in Copani Village still uses Indonesian while the younger generation has switched to using Thai and now the expansion of the area in this village is no longer possible therefore for future generations they have to find a place to live on the mainland.

How to Introduce Indonesian Culture to Foreign Countries, How to Step?

How to Introduce Indonesian Culture to Foreign Countries, How to Step?

Indonesia has a lot of cultural diversity. This diverse culture shows the richness of the Indonesian nation. Not only rich in culture, but also varied customs make Indonesia a cultural country to be proud of.

As an Indonesian citizen, we should be proud of our cultural diversity. This cultural property should be preserved and maintained so that it does not fade away from the current of modernization.

Culture in Indonesia is a matter of pride for citizens. As citizens who are proud of their cultural wealth, it is appropriate to uphold the existing cultural values.

Upholding these cultural values can be proven by showing the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia. Cultural diversity in Indonesia can be a matter of pride if it is recognized by other foreign countries.

To introduce the diversity of Indonesian culture, there are many ways that can be done. There are several efforts to introduce Indonesian culture to foreign countries including the following.

1. Cultural concerts

By holding a cultural concert, the Indonesian people can introduce cultural diversity that is owned to foreign countries. The cultural concert is an official event that aims to introduce Indonesian culture to the international community.

In this cultural concert, artists and culturalists can display cultural variations to foreign communities. There are many things that can be shown ranging from the diversity of dance, music, singing, and art. Of course, by holding cultural concerts, the opportunity to introduce Indonesian culture abroad is even greater.

2. Introduce specialties

Another way that can be done to introduce Indonesian culture is to show off typical traditional foods. This distinctive traditional food is an element of cultural diversity owned by the Indonesian nation.

3. Wear batik

Batik is one of the cultures owned by the Indonesian nation. By wearing batik, Indonesian citizens have succeeded in showing the cultural diversity owned by the Indonesian state.

Wearing batik can show that Indonesians really love the diversity of their domestic products. Batik is also proof that Indonesia has a very rich diversity of cultural patterns.

4. Art exhibitions

To introduce Indonesian culture abroad can be done by holding an art exhibition. In this art exhibition, culturalists and artists can introduce their culture.

Even by holding art exhibitions, culturalists and artists can showcase their works that can be considered as the diversity of Indonesian culture. Holding art exhibitions is considered to be able to introduce Indonesian culture to the international community.

5. Puppet show

Wayang is known as one of the cultural diversity owned by Indonesia. No wonder if by holding a puppet show, the Indonesian nation can introduce the diversity of existing cultures.

6. Traditional costume photo booth

Efforts to introduce the diversity of Indonesian culture can be done by using traditional costume photo booths. At this booth, participants can try on traditional Indonesian clothes, such as peacock dance costumes.

The existence of this traditional costume photo booth event is considered to be the best way to introduce cultural diversity in Indonesia. Therefore, it never hurts to try to hold this traditional costume photo booth.

So those are some ways that can be done to introduce Indonesia's cultural diversity to the international community. Indonesian culture is indeed quite rich and can be a pride if the foreign community recognizes it.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

More Livestock than Population | The Beauty and Secrets of New Zealand Farming's Success

More Livestock than Population | The Beauty and Secrets of New Zealand Farming's Success

More Livestock than Population | The Beauty and Secrets of New Zealand Farming's Success

New Zealand is an island country located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, this country consists of two main islands, namely the North island and the South island and more than 700 small islands, besides being known for its amazing natural beauty, New Zealand is also known for its agricultural sector, especially cattle and sheep which are indeed one of the main sources of income for this country.

So dominant is the number of cattle and sheep in New Zealand that even their number beats the population in December 2020, the estimated population of New Zealand is 5 million 112,000 people, while the estimated number of sheep and cattle in this country reaches 37 million, uniquely, despite having a large number of livestock, farms in New Zealand employ only a few people, it is not uncommon for a farm in New Zealand to be run by only one family or even only run by a married couple And amazingly, although it is run by only a small workforce, farms in New Zealand can run successfully.

More Livestock than Population | The Beauty and Secrets of New Zealand Farming's Success

This is because in addition to being supported by the use of high-tech equipment, farmers in New Zealand are also greatly helped by the existence of cooperatives that have been formed by farmers for farmers in New Zealand, cooperatives play a very vital role with this cooperative, farmers only focus on taking care of sheep, cattle and dairy products, their task is: Plant grass, take care of farm animals and milk them for later storage in refrigerated containers; Meanwhile all the tasks of taking milk from the farm.

Product processing to marketing is the task of the cooperative, the well-formed cooperative ecosystem has a very large role in determining the selling value of fresh milk that has been collected by farmers as an illustration as many as 1000 farmers in New Zealand collect milk from their farms then they joint venture capital to build a cooperative in charge of buying the milk they collect, the milk is then used by the cooperative as material raw various processed products such as milk powder, formula milk, cheese and so on, because this cooperative is owned by farmers, it will buy fresh milk from farmers who are members at very good prices and because farmers always get the best prices from their farm products.

They always get a profit that they can invest in buying modern equipment, in addition to buying products from farmers, processing and marketing these products, cooperatives also have the task of conducting research, development, member training, and investment to expand their business abroad, Cooperatives in New Zealand are not only responsible for marketing and capital, in fact, they also contribute to protecting the environment and overcoming the impact of environmental damage New Zealand is indeed one of the countries that applies the principle of Cooperatives in all fields, from agriculture, manufacturing, insurance, banking, financing services, public services, education, health, supermarkets, and even retail businesses and cooperatives, this is what makes farmers in New Zealand prosper.