Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics -

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Peru is a country that became the birthplace of the Inca kingdom That is why Peru became a country that inherited many archaeological relics of the Incas who were known to have excellence in the field of art and building, the progress of art and buildings of the Incas can be seen through relics in the form of magnificent palaces made of stone with very beautiful carvings, they are also known to be very expert in making fortifications, Highways to urban planning, the Incas built some their great city on the plateau as well as the steep sides of the Andes mountains.

Their houses were made of thatched-roof stone and although built without the use of adhesives, their construction was very sturdy and recognized as the best in the world, one of the most famous relics of Inca civilization is Machu Picu, a small town built around 1450 but abandoned 100 years later when the Spanish conquered the Incan kingdom, known as the City above the clouds because of its location in the mountains at an altitude of about 2350 meters above sea level this building is above the valley of guru Bamba and was a very modern city of its time.

Machu Picchu: A "Sophisticated" City Relics of Inca Civilization and Several Other Relics

Moreover, in the development of science and technology, the city is divided into three parts which include religious zones, agricultural zones, and urban zones, Machu Bijuu building structures are designed to withstand earthquakes and use building materials in the form of granite with this kind of design, if the stones move because of the earthquake, then they will return to their original place, the Incas use Machu trigger as a city to carry out secret ceremonies that are sacred in addition to as a place for astronomical observatories.

Living by farming, the Incas had developed a very advanced irrigation and agricultural system in their day, they built canals to irrigate the land and turn mountain slopes into tiers or terracing so that they could be used as land for cultivation. In addition, they made salt ponds with a total of thousands of ponds, all of which can still be used today, thousands of square-shaped ponds neatly arranged on the hillside It was built during the Cana Patah civilization between 200 and 900 AD and is listed as the 10th largest salt mine in the world.

The technique of making this salt pond is to utilize salt water that emerges from the Kori fujio spring close to the head of the valley to then be directed to a very complicated network of small channels so that the water can flow down in terraced ponds, almost all ponds have an area of less than 4 square meters with a depth not exceeding 30 cm, the flowing water is controlled very carefully and monitored by the pool height workers which decreases slowly making water can flow down when water evaporates due to very dry Andean air, water experiences supersaturation and salt deposition which creates various crystals on the surface of the walls and floors of the pool and besides being still used by local people to this day the salt mine relics of the Incas is an attraction for tourists to visit.

