How to Introduce Indonesian Culture to Foreign Countries, How to Step? -

Thursday, November 9, 2023

How to Introduce Indonesian Culture to Foreign Countries, How to Step?

How to Introduce Indonesian Culture to Foreign Countries, How to Step?

Indonesia has a lot of cultural diversity. This diverse culture shows the richness of the Indonesian nation. Not only rich in culture, but also varied customs make Indonesia a cultural country to be proud of.

As an Indonesian citizen, we should be proud of our cultural diversity. This cultural property should be preserved and maintained so that it does not fade away from the current of modernization.

Culture in Indonesia is a matter of pride for citizens. As citizens who are proud of their cultural wealth, it is appropriate to uphold the existing cultural values.

Upholding these cultural values can be proven by showing the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia. Cultural diversity in Indonesia can be a matter of pride if it is recognized by other foreign countries.

To introduce the diversity of Indonesian culture, there are many ways that can be done. There are several efforts to introduce Indonesian culture to foreign countries including the following.

1. Cultural concerts

By holding a cultural concert, the Indonesian people can introduce cultural diversity that is owned to foreign countries. The cultural concert is an official event that aims to introduce Indonesian culture to the international community.

In this cultural concert, artists and culturalists can display cultural variations to foreign communities. There are many things that can be shown ranging from the diversity of dance, music, singing, and art. Of course, by holding cultural concerts, the opportunity to introduce Indonesian culture abroad is even greater.

2. Introduce specialties

Another way that can be done to introduce Indonesian culture is to show off typical traditional foods. This distinctive traditional food is an element of cultural diversity owned by the Indonesian nation.

3. Wear batik

Batik is one of the cultures owned by the Indonesian nation. By wearing batik, Indonesian citizens have succeeded in showing the cultural diversity owned by the Indonesian state.

Wearing batik can show that Indonesians really love the diversity of their domestic products. Batik is also proof that Indonesia has a very rich diversity of cultural patterns.

4. Art exhibitions

To introduce Indonesian culture abroad can be done by holding an art exhibition. In this art exhibition, culturalists and artists can introduce their culture.

Even by holding art exhibitions, culturalists and artists can showcase their works that can be considered as the diversity of Indonesian culture. Holding art exhibitions is considered to be able to introduce Indonesian culture to the international community.

5. Puppet show

Wayang is known as one of the cultural diversity owned by Indonesia. No wonder if by holding a puppet show, the Indonesian nation can introduce the diversity of existing cultures.

6. Traditional costume photo booth

Efforts to introduce the diversity of Indonesian culture can be done by using traditional costume photo booths. At this booth, participants can try on traditional Indonesian clothes, such as peacock dance costumes.

The existence of this traditional costume photo booth event is considered to be the best way to introduce cultural diversity in Indonesia. Therefore, it never hurts to try to hold this traditional costume photo booth.

So those are some ways that can be done to introduce Indonesia's cultural diversity to the international community. Indonesian culture is indeed quite rich and can be a pride if the foreign community recognizes it.

