Alhambra The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking -

Monday, November 13, 2023

Alhambra The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking


 Alhambra: The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking

Alhambra: The Traces of Islamic Civilization in Europe That Ended Heartbreaking

Is a complex of palaces and fortresses which are also traces of Islamic civilization in Europe The complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain is a halal tourism that is included in the world with an area of about 14 hectares 

The Alhambra Palace stands on a lasabika hill with a view of the vast city of Granada below and because of its strategic location for the supervision of the Romans who at that time controlled this region decided to build a small fortress in 899 AD 

Two centuries later the Romans were defeated by the Mur people from North Africa where then the founder of the nasrib dynasty Sultan Muhammad seized this small fortress and turned it into a large fortress in 1230 before finally being converted into a magnificent palace by the Sultan of Granada named Sultan Yusuf 1 in 133 starting from a fortress without the name of sultan Yusuf 1 then changed its name to Al Hamra which comes from Arabic alhamdulillah which means red this name It was chosen because the main material in the construction of this palace was red soil 

The building of the Alhambra palace is designed in such a way that it is resistant to earthquakes, the palace is also equipped with lush gardens and fountains with a fairly complicated irrigation system that keeps the rooms cool in summer, broadly speaking, the Alhambra palace is divided into three parts, where all three were built during different reigns, the first part or the oldest is known as Max beacon Although some historical records doubt the origin of the building .ini 

Based on the records of Ibn Zamroh, a famous poet during the reign of Bani Ahmar, the building was made by Sultan Muhammad 1 or also known as Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Nasser, this palace was chosen as his main residence as well as his workspace, the second part is called the Komares Palace which is the most important part of the entire site in the AL hambra Complex 

In this palace hall, the Sultan's throne is located, most of the construction of this palace was carried out during the reign of Sultan Yusuf 1 and then continued to perfection by his son named Sultan Muhammad 5, then the third part of the Alhambra palace is the lion palace which is the crown of all the beauty found in the Alhambra

This palace was built by Sultan Muhammad 5 as his resting house, located right next to the Komares palace during the Islamic rule there was no road connecting these two buildings, but when Catholicism came to power a road was made that connected the two as well as other kingdoms in the world 

The Sultanate of Granada experienced ups and downs after this Sultanate triumphed for approximately 800 years, they experienced a heartbreaking fall at the end of the 14th century, internal conflicts of the nobles about the successor to the throne coupled with the attacks of the Castilian kingdom that occurred from 1482 to 1492 made the power of the Sultanate of Granada weaker until finally conquered by the kingdom of Castile led by Isabella 1 and Ferdinand 2

This defeat also marked the end of the rule of the Islamic Kingdom in Andalusia which automatically also made the Alhambra palace change ownership as soon as Granada was ruled by Isabella 1 and Ferdinand 2 Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism they were forced to either submit or be expelled from the region today after hundreds of years have passed since the conquest of Isabella 1 and Ferdinand 2 the Alhambra palace was no longer occupied and in 1984 Alhambra Palace officially included in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites

