100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth - ceremasia.com

Monday, November 6, 2023

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

Maldives or also known as Maldives is an island country known for its stunning natural beauty, especially white sandy beaches and blue seas that look like glass.

The beaches in the Maldives mostly have white sand originating from the Coral Beach Coral Beach including rare beaches in the world that are only owned by five percent of beaches around the world, the country is also known for its exotic islands and various underwater beauties Therefore, this island country is often recommended as one of the honeymoon tourist destinations visited by around 900 thousand tourists every year, the Maldives has successfully won a lot of foreign exchange through tourism.

Even the success of the Maldives in managing the tourism sector makes the country's per capita income able to beat Indonesia, there are about 1190 islands in the Maldives But there are only 200 inhabited islands and 80 islands inhabited by resorts for tourists every year, there are always new resorts opening in the Maldives along with the increasing popularity of the country as a tourist destination.

But despite having a million stunning natural beauties, the Maldives is the lowest and flattest country in the world with a maximum height of 2.4 meters above sea level Therefore, this country has a serious problem with global warming and climate change because climate change is moving faster to cause rising sea water, the country is predicted to sink, therefore various conservation efforts have been made to protect the environment The sea is a valuable asset for this country.

100% of the population is Muslim | Amazing Facts About the Maldives Country The Paradise on Earth

The Maldives has a fairly long history from the 6th century to the 5th century BC The Maldives already has its kingdom according to historical evidence and legends this country has a history of more than 2500 years of early settlement in the island nation It is likely a Gujarati people who reached and settled could be in rare around 500 years BC.

Evidence of cultural influence from North India on this country can be seen from shipbuilding methods and silver coins The Maldives was once occupied by the British and Portuguese but then this country was controlled by a Muslim leader named Muhammad Takaruan he then led the Maldives since 1573 initially the Maldives was a Sultanate state under British guardianship until finally they became independent on July 26, 1965 then the Maldives turned into a Republic until now with The total area is 297 km2 and the total population in 2020 reached 550 people, all of whom adhere to Islam.

Not surprisingly, this country is dubbed as the smallest Islamic country in the world, not only the smallest Muslim country in the world, even the Maldives is also the smallest country in Asia, Islam is the official religion in the Maldives where every citizen is legally required to follow Islam, even in 2008 the law stipulates that non-Muslims cannot be citizens as countries that practice Islam, traveling to this country are required to obey all Rules that have been set by the government, such as the prohibition of entering or carrying alcohol or pork-based items.

The Maldivian government also prohibits the wearing of bikinis in public beach areas for women, the swimming costumes allowed in the country are shorts and T-shirts, while this can only be used when on privately owned beaches, special beaches and hotels, However, because the country's economy is very dependent on tourism, the government separates public beaches from special tourist beaches.

